
Conducting National Surveys in the Age of COVID-19

October 5, 2020

Conducting data collection for national surveys during a crisis is not unusual. Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, civil unrest, 其他紧急情况在不同时间对地理上局部地区的数据收集提出了挑战. 但是,研究人员如何应对在卫生大流行期间进行具有全国代表性的调查的挑战? “这次COVID-19大流行的情况尤其不可预测,”莱拉·莫哈杰博士指出.D., 趣赢平台 Vice President and Associate Director for Statistics and Evaluation Sciences. “So, 我们不断计划不同的场景和快速周转战略,依赖于统计研究和调查方法的基础.”

Proactive planning is key to conducting survey research especially at this time. 趣赢平台正在与我们的客户就推进亲自数据收集的策略进行持续沟通. “随着项目的推进,我们不断地测量项目的温度,并根据预期的返回现场的时间,不断地计划不同的突发事件,” explains Dr. Mohadjer.

Mode Changes in Surveys

许多面对面进行的调查已经转变为电话或网络调查. “We’re studying any mode changes to see if there is a mode change effect. 如果是这样,我们已经制定了调整最终样品的计划,以尽量减少模式变化的影响. Also, for some surveys, combining data from the pre- and post-COVID period may not be justifiable,” cautions Dr. Mohadjer. “对于covid前和covid后的受访者来自该国不同地区的调查来说,情况确实如此. In some cases, the statistics of interest, like employment status, changed drastically from pre- to post-COVID. 我们制定了特殊的抽样程序,在covid之前和之后的样本之间架起一座桥梁,以最好地处理这类情况.”

Response Rates Are Key

无论如何进行调查,获得高回复率都是至关重要的.S. 人口普查局(Census Bureau)和劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)已经对其大型调查的低回复率提出了担忧. “在我们进行的调查中,我们需要为类似的对回复率的影响做好准备。. Mohadjer. “In some cases, 这是一个与调查方法专家合作,设计出提高回复率的方法的问题. 我们还通过进行广泛的分析来评估无反应导致的偏倚,从而降低了这种风险, 并通过应用各种样本权重调整来调整结果样本以减少结果统计中的偏差, like benchmarking.”

较低的回复率不仅会影响样本的代表性,而且会导致调查的样本量较小. “One way we to mitigate this,” Dr. Mohadjer explains, “is to split the selected sample into a main sample and many smaller random samples, with the main sample being released to the field first. Throughout the course of data collection, 趣赢平台实时监控数据收集活动,并准备在需要时发布新的样品. 我们可以实现这个无缝的过程,因为我们的调查统计人员的综合网络, survey operations staff, field data collection oversight, and analysis staff. If the original sample released to data collectors is not providing enough responses,” she continues, “we’ll release another subsample of different households, 在保持调查的随机代表性的同时,力求达到理想的样本量.”

Dealing with Unpredictable Shifts

大流行期间调查规划的一部分还包括管理当地热点或全国各地数据收集可能暂停的情况. 他说:“我们必须认识到这个国家的不同地区在不同的时间受到影响,我们必须灵活应变, and how we can reduce bias in samples that we’re collecting,” notes Dr. Mohadjer. 趣赢平台已经建立了程序,通过制定快速周转的数据收集计划来最大限度地减少干扰和风险, restarting data collection quickly after a pause, or changing the mode of data collection if needed.

Focus on Quality Data Collection

“At 趣赢平台, we put priority on the quality of the data collected during the pandemic, 还要准备通过样本调整和加权来纠正任何潜在的偏差,” continues Dr. Mohadjer. “我们分享了在不同数据收集项目中有效工作的方法, and this benefits all 趣赢平台 projects and clients.”

Statisticians also harness other tools, like data linkage, 在何处将数据源链接起来,以补充或替换因大流行而缺失的数据, 数据科学技术,如机器学习,可以快速收集大量数据,并根据各种需求使用para或外部数据源进行各种分析.

COVID-19大流行的快速演变性质要求研究人员迅速适应并灵活应对采样和数据收集方面的挑战. While the challenges may appear daunting, innovative uses of statistical tools and techniques, including adaptive survey methods, are instrumental in achieving the quality and integrity of the data.


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